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Why Binding Matters – In the Boardroom and Beyond

  • July 23, 2018
  • Written by: Christine Birch
  • Topics: Binding
Woman with papers flying away

There’s a million-dollar deal on the line. You’ve spent hours preparing your proposal and the deck has come together perfectly. You’re standing at the head of conference room. You take a deep breath, ready to begin. That’s when the head honcho stops you. He wants to see a copy of your presentation. Gulp. You weren’t expecting this. Hiding your panic, you pull a black-and-white copy from your bag. It’s wrinkled and held together by a single staple. But it’s all you have, so you hand it over.  

Now, rewind. 

You’re giving the same presentation. The same million-dollar deal is on the line. But this time, you’re fully prepared. You confidently hand out beautiful, wire-bound copies of your presentationThey have a slick cover, neatly organized tabs and an index of financial stats. You wrote the perfect content. Now, you have the perfect package, and the deal is yours.

A bound presentation never goes out of style. You could receive the same content, one version bound and another version of loose papers, and the perception is drastically different.   

Binding isn’t just an important tool for the workspace. Do you need your course syllabus to stand up to a semester spent in a freshman’s backpack? Do you need a smart way to organize printed briefs? Even in an age of digital content, a bound copy allows you to access information quickly and easilyfor years to come.  

Binding can also be personal. Bind your child’s first story and look back on it years later. Bind report cards, book reports, children’s drawings and more. You’re not just making projects, you’re preserving your family’s history.  

Binding takes your documents to the next level, regardless of your goals. It can present your thoughts in a clean, impressive way, and preserve precious memories for years to come. 

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