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Choosing the Best Pouch for Your Project

  • March 20, 2018
  • Written by: Diana A.
  • Topics: Laminating

Pouches, pouches pouches. Did you ever think choosing one could be so complicated? Neither did we. In this article, we will help guide you to the best solution for the type of document you are laminating. We will answer questions such as:

  • What size pouch is optimal?
  • What thickness will give my project or document the durability it needs?
  • What is UV and why would I need it?

To help you navigate the wide world of pouches, we’ve broken down the choices by the most common things you might be laminating.


When laminating a photo, you want to ideally use a photo size pouch.  We have a 4" x 6” pouch that is perfect for this purpose.  Another thing to consider is if you are laminating a photo, it probably means you want to preserve it, so using a pouch with UV protection will ensure your photo stays protected from discoloration or fading over time.  For laminating photos, you would want to use a Long Life or an EZUse pouch which both have UV protection.

Luggage Tags, ID cards, and Business Cards:

Travel can take a beating on your luggage so luggage tags need more rigidity for more durability.  Similarly, business cards and ID tags are 2 types of documents that also require a higher level of durability so that they stay looking good longer as these documents get handled frequently.  For this reason, there are 3 distinct industry pouch sizes for these sized documents specifically in the 10 mil thickness for added protection:

  • Luggage tags: 2.5” x 4.25”
  • Badge ID Cards:  2.5” x 3.75”
  • Business Cards:  2.1” x 3.6”

Temporary signage and various business document which have a short life span and are not to be used/placed outdoors or in direct sunlight:

Because the document is indoors and not in direct sunlight or only to be used for a short time, the pouch you choose does not need to have UV protection to help deter fading.  UltraClear pouches are perfect for this application and come in a variety of standard sizes and mil thicknesses.

  • Letter:  9.5”x 11”
  • Legal:  9” x 14.5”
  • Menu:  11.5” x 17.5”

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