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GBC Nearline Punch and Bind GBC VFX_SP_EW_low-Face Low.445

The GBC Nearline Punch and Bind is a powerful solution that dramatically improves the end user's overall workflow from printing to finishing bound documents. With its small footprint and wide range of features, GBC's Nearline Punch and Bind is the perfect fit for every printing environment. This modular system includes the Plockmatic VFX Vacuum Feeder, a high capacity two tray system that feeds up to 5,400 sheets at speeds up to 144 sheets per minute. The GBC StreamPunch VFX is a fully automated finishing module that punches, creases, and perforates with a simple die change. It enables various sheet sizes from letter (A4) up to 12” x 18” (SRA3) including tabs, and is capable of double punching for 2-up printing. Double creasing and perforation are also supported. The GBC StreamPunch VFX fully automates time consuming manual tasks, freeing staff time to work on other high value projects. The GBC Nearline Punch and Bind solution includes the GBC eWire VFX that transforms long edge punched letter (A4) sheets into wire bound books with a touch of a button.

Accessories: Output Tray, Output Stacker

What Can You Create?

This versatile machine is great for creating calendars, tickets, training materials, menus, notebooks, mailers and more!


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