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Air Purifiers


Price  $229.00

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Full Room Coverage with PureDirect Technology

Cleaner air everywhere. PureDirect technology uses two airflow streams to distribute air more comfortably. Bi-directional airflow delivers purified air more effectively throughout a room. The Z-3000 Air Purifiers are recommended for spaces up to 750 sq ft at 2 air changes per hour (ACH).

DuPont True HEPA Filtration and UV-C Light

Improve indoor air quality with 360-degree DuPont HEPA filtration combined with the power of ultraviolet (UV-C) light. The filter helps capture airborne viruses, allergens and certain VOC gases from all directions. The UV-C light reduces germs and bacteria trapped in the filter.

SensorPod Air Quality Monitor

An air purifier with a separate sensor detects pollutants throughout the room, not just by the purifier. TruSens purifiers with a separate SensorPod were tested against traditional purifiers with built-in sensors. SensorPod detects common pollutants in the air more accurately, improving coverage of cleaner air. Place the remote SensorPod away from the air purifier to optimize clean air delivery throughout your space. The purifier automatically adjusts fan speed in response to the SensorPod air quality readings.

Auto Mode with Air Quality Indicator

SensorPod air quality readings are displayed and TruSens adapts accordingly. A color-coded illuminated ring provides additional information by visually communicating good, moderate, or poor air quality.

Product Specifications